Coqui Endangered

Saving The sound of the Coqui

The common name is the Coqui. The scientific name of the Coqui is Eleutherodoctylus Coqui.

There common Coqui it is found from the coastal plains to the cloud forest of the forest of the highest mountains. It is a also found in urban areas as is the Coqui Pitito and Coqui Churi. By day it shelters in places where there is some moisture so that it can be hydrated, and at night he goes out to sing and wait to meet his pretty to nourish himself.

The Coquis feed on invertebrates such as ants, cockroaches, crikets, and even younger specimenst of the same species as long as their mouths fit. The various species of Coqui control the populations of herbivorous insects species in their local enviroments. A study on mass balance and ecosystem processes discused how animals affect plant and soil pools through excretion. One of the roles Coqui frags play is by greatly increasing nutrient pools in plant biomass and in litter. 
  • Of all the specimens that have been studied so for, the cammon Coqui is the best know. The male is smaller than the famel. He measures 25mm and he is 35mm. However, there are species that reach 50 and 60 millimeters, respectively. His head is wide and his eyes bulging.
  • The Coquis reflect different colors on your body. Most of them have brown - grey skin, but with spots and lines that identify them. The only greenish is the criket Coqui. Everyone can change their have to camouflage themselves with the environment. They do this as a protective measures.
  •  The male Coqui is the one who sings. CO uses it to mark its territory, and QUI to csll the opposite sex. Although they don't sing, they do make noise when they feel threatened.
  • The fingers of the Coqui are independent, that is, they are not intertwined by a film, like those of other frags. Thanks to this condition they can climb trees, shribs and walls. 
  • In Puerto Rico the main cause of extinction has been deforestation.
  • 90% of mangroves have been destroyed or refilled.
  • The average Puerto Rican generates 5 pounds of garbage a day. 

We can help Coqui by recycling aluminum, glass, plastic, paper, engine oil, car battenies, cardboard, printer cortridges, tires, newspaper nand more. Not polluting the environment. Keeping the green areas clean. 
Problem/Solution  image
This work is about the endangered Coqui. The Coqui feeds on invertebrate animals, arthropods and even the same species as long as they fit in its mouth. The Coqui is usually found in coastal plains, forests, urban areas and many times where there is moisture. Females lay between 25 and 35 eggs frequently. The color of the Coqui is usually brown and can have a variety of spots or lines on your body. The largest location of the Coqui is currently endangered and a solution is needed to help them.

Of the 17 species of the Coqui are endangered 10 of them. One of those are the Coqui Guajon, Coqui de Eneida, Coqui Grillo, Coqui de Hedrick, Coqui Dorado, Coqui Llanero, Coqui palmed, Coqui hammer, Coqui Caoba and coqui Melidoso. The biggest problem for the Coqui being endangered is deforestation. Another major problem is that humans generate approximately 5 pounds of garbage a day. Also 90% of the mangroves have been destroyed. Another problem is forest fires. Another specimen is the destruction of its habitat and the climate change.

The solutions that are being carried out to rescue this animal are the following: Support research and conversation. Another solution that is being carried out is recycling. They are trying to avoid less contamination in the hungry to avoid fungi in their skins. Another solution is to support efforts to protect our forests and rivers. Protecting natural recervas and avoiding deforestation are also one of the solutions. We must provide for government agencies responsible for protecting flora and fauna. We must also prevent further deforestation.

In order to increase the population of the Coqui we can form a captivity of Coquis. In which they will be there from the time they were reproduced, raised, and then released into a nature reserve. We can also plant more bromeliad trees or palms. This serves the female to lay her eggs and continue the reproduction. Also protecting the habitat where the species live. That can help you don't have additional threats to the ones you have. Here are some of the ways we can solve the extinction of this animal called Coqui.

In conclusion the solutions I think will be the best for the Coqui. El Coqui is one of the most recognized animals in Puerto Rico. So we have to take care of him. We must put our part back to the rescue of this animal.

1. What led Congress to pass the ESA?

In 1956 congress passed the Endangered Species Preservation Act, wich mandated a federal list of endangered animals and prohibited the taking of listed animal species on all nation wildlife refuges.

In 1969 Congress modified the law to prohibit importing and selling animals facing woeldwide extinction.

2. What the ESA does or its purpose?

The purpose of the ESA is to protect and recover imperiled species and the ecosystem upon wich they depend. 

Its is administered by the U.S. Fish and wildlife service and the commerce department national Marine Fishers Service (NMFS).

3. Any amendments the ESA may have? as well as what those amendments?

The Congress amendments to the Endangered Species Act (ESA) in 1978 permited federal agencies to take actions that may harm or jeopardize alisted species if their actions are approved by a federal committee. 

The federal committee is permitted to review all federal conservation plans for their economic costs and to exempt certain projects from ESA regulation.

The process of altering or amending a laws  or, on the web NO legislation, no constitutional amendment created any of these things. 

Is a formal or official change made to a law, contract, constitution or other legal document.

4. How has the ESA passing affected the life of the Coqui

Commonly known as a 90-days finding, is based on scientific information about the species provided in the petition requesting listing of the species under the Act.

The petition finding does not mean that the service has decided it is appropriate to give the Coqui llanero federal protection under the ESA.

5. What else should the federal government do in order to protect the Coqui

The endangered species act makes it illegal to kill, harm, or other wise "take" a listed species, or to posses, import, export, or engage in interstate or international commerce of a listed species without authorization. 

The Act also requires all federal agencies to minimize the impact of their activities on listed species and directs the service to work with federal agencies and other partners to develop and carny out recovery efforts for those species. 

6. What can civilians do now to help the Coqui

  • Prevent further deforestation in Puerto Rico.
  • Protect the Natural Reserves (state and federal) and ensure that these are managed wisely and whose use is mainly the protection of the fauna and flora of our island.
  • Supporting scientific research groups and participating in environmental education projects.
  • Put pressure on government agencies responsible for the protection of flora and fauna (Department of Natural Resources, and the Fish and Wildlife Service), so that they:
  1. conduct scientific research with these species.
  2. periodically update and review their lists of vulnerable and endangered species and provide the listed species with real protection.
  3. declare critical habitat for all vulnerable and endangered species to protect the area where they live.

Population Math image
86% of the Coquis are in Danger of Extincion. Until recently in Puerto Rico there were 17 species of Coqui, a figure that istimated was reduced to the current 14 species due to deforestation, predation of urban development climate changes, soil and water pollution, boilides etc.

Due to the severity of the drought that has been experienced in 83.17% of the territory of the island 86% of the species of the coqui are classified as endangered or vulnerable with the likelihood of danger of extinction.

The Coqui was included in the federal list of endangered species in 2012. This action raises awareness of the vulnerability of the species. This degnatious help to ensure that biological factors are not destroyed or adversely modified. The Federal Endangered Species Act, as amended, prohibits killing, disturbing, trapping, buying or selling the species. It is hoped that these measures will not extinguish the species of the Coqui in the future.